18/11/2012 Hello.


Firstly thanks for stumbling on my page, or forced to by myself muhah. Newbie to Blogger, just here to share my 2 cents or er...pennies if you will on the various aspects of life.

Having viewed and followed blogs previously I felt I was ready for my own, time to add the the big blogging world. I'm not too sure what to say right now, ironic isn't it seeing as though this is a blog but I am slightly nervous even though I can't see you-the reader it still feels like I'm making some kind of important speech.

*Ramble ramble*

I guess  I should really give you some background info...I go by the name of Safi hence my rather witty take on the title..(I'll probably cringe at it later). So a few facts
- A student of English Language at Uni.
-19 years old
-Laid back, chilled and enjoying life
-Overall fashion & beauty lover
-Random conversationalist
-Social bee.

I hope to grow this page with your help, I will be posting mostly product reviews as I am the perfect of example of a trial and error explorer. I hope my posts help people with purchases, ideas and conclusions with facts and opinions I have to offer. Hopefully this experience will allow me to build a reader base with the same passions about life I have and go on this journey with many of you

Hope to see and hear from future followers soon


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